The webtool ISO 20400 has been developed by the Dutch Procurement Association NEVI and ISO member body Royal NEN, powered by the Dutch Government.
This online free (!) tool consists of a carefully composed set of 60 questions and statements taken from the international standard ISO 20400. By filling in the webtool your organization will receive a good impression on the status and level of quality of Sustainable Procurement. As a result you will receive a customized organizational Action plan.
It is advised for Procurement professionals that also colleagues like management, staff and budget holders will fill in the questions. By comparing the answers and results, the organization will receive interesting topics to discuss and improve policy, key approaches and implementation.
Here you can benefit from free download Training material on ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement.
Download ISO 20400 Training material
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The only condition is: please refer to Learn2improve your planet as the source!