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Colloboration is the best way forward

We collaborate with partners all over the world, who are passioned and committed to create a better world

Dante Pesce

UN OHCHR Human Rights representative & Founder/CEO Vincular, Chile

Prof. Dr. Annette Kleinfeld

Professor/Advisor Business Ethics/ CSR, University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz, Founder/Director Kleinfeld & Co., Germany

Martin Neureiter

Founder/Director CSR Company, Austria

Jaap de Vries

Founder/Director Dzyzzion, Netherlands

Noerman Suharman

Founder/Director CFCiD Indonesia, Vice Chair ISO 26000 SGN

Karin van IJsselmuide

Manager Sustainability Programs NEVI, Coordinator SDG 12, Netherlands

Gefei Yin

Founder and Chief Expert GoldenBee, China

Bernard Mazijn

Institute for Sustainable Development and Ghent University, Belgium

Lex Eschauzier

Founder/Director Constantis & Circular Champions, Netherlands

Carolyn Schmidt

Program Director ECOLOGIA, USA

Lodewijk Hoekstra

Founder NL Greenlabel, Netherlands

Karla Lizzzeth Guerrero Lozoya

Founder/Director Ética y Estrategia, Mexico

Lex de Bruijn

Founder/Director CSR Register & FIRA, Netherlands

Khawla Al-Muhannadi

President of Environment Friends Society, Bahrain

Cristina López

Presidente Fundación el otro, Consultant ISO 26000, ISO 20400, Argentina

Adriana Rosenfeld

Expert Responsabilidad Social, ISO 26000, ISO 20400, Argentina

Customers who make a difference

Learn2improve your planet has worked with more than 70 customers on sustainability and (C)SR in more than 30 sectors in many countries like

China, South Korea, Indonesia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Surinam, 17 African countries (East, West, South), Belgium, Sweden, France, Italy, England and Russia.